Thoughts Provoked by a Prompt
What thoughts does this prompt provoke?
Thoughts of the Creator who made the birds of the air
And deemed them worthy of His care,
Who gives the sparrow food,
Who warms it with a blanket of sunshine.
What thoughts does this prompt provoke?
Thoughts of the Creator who made us in His image
And counted us more valuable than the birds,
Who meets our needs
And shelters us in His blanket of love.
What thoughts does this prompt provoke?
Thoughts of the Son of God lamenting over Jerusalem
Who would have gathered her children together
"as a hen gathers her brood under her wings"
but in rebellion they reject the blanket of His body.
What thoughts does this prompt provoke?
Thoughts of the Psalmist who speaks
Of the shelter of the Most High
Who "will cover you with his pinions,
and under his wings you will find refuge."
What thoughts does this prompt provoke?
Thoughts of a steward of creation
Who accepts the assignment of the Creator,
Who picks up an oiled-soaked bird
and blankets it in warm, cleansing suds.
This was written for our creative writing group meeting on October 16, 2024. The Bible quotations are from Matthew 6: 26-27 and Psalm 91:4.

One reply on “Prompt: A Warm Blanket on the Bird”
Hello, dear Joyce.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts. As I read them, I like to remember our time together and your vibrant faith that you love to share.
I believe that God knows where Slovakia is because He sent you to us. Thanks to God, good health to you and much inspiration for further writing.
With warm hugs, Denisa from Poprad.