
Prompt: A Frying Pan of Noodles

Our creative writing group did not meet this past Wednesday. This is drawn from an early time.

Imagination and Reality

When there were noodles in her frying pan
She pretended it was steak.
She was a landscape architect
When her hand was holding a rake.
She envisioned Neiman Marcus
When the mission store she shopped.
She imagined a house beautiful
Wonders that were unstopped.
When she washed her dishes
She was pearl diving.
Her old Ford was a Mercedes
Whenever she was driving.
Life was hard
But it was her attitude
That made her life
Ever-streaming gratitude.

But in loving her family
There was no pretense.
Her caring for others
Was seen as immense.
To her hard-working husband,
She was a loving wife.
To her aging parents,
She was their life.
Her children knew that
She always cared
Even when discipline
Was not spared.
Available to others
In sickness and health
To her family and friends
She was their wealth.
To the known and the stranger
She was a treasure.
What she got in return
Was love without meansure.

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