April is National Poetry Month. This week I am choosing to feature the first verse of a poem, His Name is Jesus, written by Ron Owens and set to music by Patricia Owens.
Ron and Patricia have been dear friends since I met them through Joe Ann Shelton in 1989. Joe Ann sang their song as part of a medley which we played at her memorial service. Because I wanted to give you a link to the medley, I have included the words from another song written by Danny Lee that Joe Ann sings as part of the medley; they appear as the second verse below, following the chorus. This medley is a favorite of mine and I am including the link here so that you may hear it. https://vimeo.com/720367464
May you have a blessed Easter as we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. How wonderful to serve a living Lord!
His Name is Jesus
There are some who only know His name as just another name, There are many who think there's no difference - that He's just the same as all other prophets, sages, who've walked down through history, that He died as any ordinary man upon that tree. For they've never met my Jesus, they have never seen His face. They know nothing of His boundless love nor of His saving grace. They have never walked beneath the stream that flows from Calvary, they know only what is said of Him, He's only history. His name is Jesus; yes, He's the One. His name is Jesus, God's only Son. His name is Jesus, bright morning star; Come to this Jesus just as you are. The busy streets and sidewalks, they suddenly grew still as a man came through the entrance to the city. He touched and healed a blindman with a little piece of clay, and with trembling lips you could hear the people say Jesus, Jesus, He is the Son of God. Jesus, Jesus, the precious Son of God. Fairest of ten thousand, bright and morning star, sweetest rose of Sharon, He came to set us free Jesus, Jesus, He's everything to me. Yes, He's everything to me. His name is Jesus; yes, He's the One. His name is Jesus, God's only Son. His name is Jesus, bright morning star; Come to this Jesus just as you are.
One reply on “His Name Is Jesus”
Thank you for this gift of Joe Ann singing. I will listen to it often! 😥❤️❤️