Self Reflections

If it’s worth doing…

You all know how to finish the title sentence above, right?

As an undergraduate student at Texas Woman’s University, I had a teacher who was stunning in the way she looked every day. She was dressed impeccably, hair and make-up perfect; she was never in a hurry and never seemed to get ruffled. When she walked into the room I always looked at her from head to toe to see if there was any flaw. She always knew the content she was teaching and presented it well. She seemed so put together in every way that she was intimidating.

Imagine the surprise of our undergraduate sociology class one morning when Miss Porter began the class by saying “Think about this. If it’s worth doing, it’s worth doing poorly.”

Had she finally made a mistake? Had she misspoken? Apparently not because she repeated the statement and added, “Is that good advice? Why would anyone say that?

She wanted some response from us and she got some feedback. Some said it might have been said as a joke or an excuse, or said to provoke an argument. The responses came without giving the statement serious thought and the preponderance of responses was that it was not good advice.

When the input ceased, Miss Porter went on, “Imagine that someone did make that statement and that it was good advice. In what context might that take place?”

Our thinking took a turn and the comments were a bit more thoughtful until we came to a point of seeing that if someone has something valuable to offer another – a product, a program, a proposal, or anything of any kind – it was not necessarily a good thing to wait until you had it perfected.

While some people do shabby work and are willing to put anything forth and consider it “good enough”, there are others who offer nothing because it just is not right yet. They are paralyzed by their perfectionism. Or maybe fear.

Courage to try

The first time we do anything we are by definition doing it without experience. We can get advice from those with experience, we can learn and prepare, and then we try to our best according to the ability we have.

If I think back on every area of ministry in which I have worked, I realize that there was always an element of fear of not being able to do it well when I started out.

When I was a teenager, I was asked for the first time to teach a weekly Sunday school class for young children in an afternoon outreach ministry. I said yes, although I wasn’t sure I could do it. I know I wasn’t a great teacher but I learned from the experience -preparing, presenting, listening, responding, handling a group, and more. The next opportunity to teach was not quite as scary and I found that I liked teaching. The more I taught, the more I enjoyed it.

Many times I heard Joe Ann say to people, “Obey the light you have and your light will increase. Disobey the light and your darkness will increase.” When I said yes to an adult who asked me as a teen to teach, I had no sense that I could do it, but he believed I could. He held out a light and offered it to me. I took it and it was fanned into a bigger light. Eventually, I learned that sometimes God uses the potential others see in us as the light we need to obey.

Responsibility to challenge

As I’ve gotten older, I have also learned that sometimes I need to be the one that recognizes potential in another and offers them that light. Although I was not able to articulate this in the past, I know that I have been doing it without awareness. Now I see that being observant of those coming along and challenging them to do what they think they can’t do is a responsibility I have.

At a farewell celebration for a young woman who was venturing out on a career that was going to take her overseas I overheard an older man say to her, “My wife and I are very proud of you. We saw things in you that made us know that you were the kind of girl who would do something like this.” Her reply, though not accusatory, was a question. “Why didn’t you ever tell me?”

Complimenting the effort

I loved watching Joe Ann work with a music group because she worked for excellence not perfection. When it was time to perform, they performed and she said to them afterward, “You did well for where you are.” It was a compliment that came with a challenge to improve.

None of us will ever go from doing nothing to doing something perfectly. If it is worth doing, we need to be willing to do it poorly to the best of our ability with the promise to keep on trying.

When we make maximum use of what we learn from our experience, it is always better next time. We tweak what needs little adjustments. We add, substract, change, modify, adjust, and more.

Assessing the worth

I read somewhere that when people have a vision for a ministry and decide to lauch it, they should ask themselves if they are willing to stay with it for three to five years. Why? Because it will take that long to establish it to the point it can be handed off to someone else.

When I look back on our years in Slovakia, I see that those things that have lasted beyond us and grown were those undertakings we at first did poorly but found worthy of working at and investing in. Also, the people in whom we saw potential and confronted with their own gifts and emerging abilities, have blossomed.

Now that I find myself at a new time and place in my life, I am asking what is so valuable that I should invest my time, my energy, my material resources, my heart, my life into it? What is so valuable that I will stick with it no matter what happens?

Where do I find my answers? I ask God to give me a passion for what he has for me. Then, I ask for direction and courage to follow the light in that passion. The older I get the more I realize that the new things I find worthy of doing I will do poorly, but I’m willing to keep trying.

Self Reflections

Then and Now

All that you are ever to be you may already have been.

Bob Pierce

I am adding a new category this week called self-reflection. I do a good bit of it these days and decided to share some of my thoughts.


Bob Pierce, founder of World Vision, came to speak at our church in the 1950s when I was in my early teens. I don’t remember anything he said except the quote above. As a young teen my head was full of the future and what I wanted to do and be someday. I was imaging a long life ahead of me and plenty of time to do all the things I dreamed of.

I was aware of the question “What is your life?” in the New Testament book of James and the answer that follows, “You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.” But I don’t think I applied it to myself at thirteen or fourteen until I heard the statement from Bob Pierce that night. It jolted me into considering the present and I resolved to make now count.

Over the years, every time someone I knew seemed to die too young – a high school classmate who died over the summer after our freshman year, my Aunt Gert’s nephew, Warren, who died in a auto crash at eighteen, my niece, Gwen, whose life ended of cancer before she was forty – I thought of this statement. It caused me to take a fresh look at what I was doing with life at that moment.

Joe Ann was sixty-five when we went to Slovakia and seventy-seven when we returned to the U.S. By the way she lived her life, she didn’t say at that time or anytime, “I’m content with what I’ve been and done. It is now time to relax, retire, and take it easy.” Of course, what she was able to do changed with age, health, energy, and other limitations, but it didn’t diminish who she was; until the end she was living her life aware of the importance of now.


My dear friend, Frances Fuller, who finished a book called Helping Yourself Grow Old at age ninety is continuing to make positive contributions to the lives of others in a number of ways. Her writing today is still about aging and can be found in her blog.

There are others around me both my age and older who are also good role models for me by enriching the lives of their familes, friends, and others as they live each day in menaingful ways with gratitude for the gift of now.

When I was working on my doctorate in sociology, my related field of study was gerontology. Then, I studied aging and now I am one of the aged. The quote from Bob Pearce that spoke to me deeply when I was a young teen is still relevant to my life today. Whatever happens to me in the years ahead, I want to continue being and doing with purpose.

Slovakia Memoir

Thanksgiving and Harvest

I spent this Thanksgiving Day with my sister and her family – her husband, children, grandchildren, and their spouses, four great-grandchildren, and a granddaughter’s boyfriend. There were 18 of us in all and a few others missing, a grandson in the military and a granddaughter, who with her husband and four boys we would not see until the week after Christmas. Everyone not only contributed to the meal but also to the noisy, joyful interaction. It was a change from the last several years and a lovely day that included some treasured memories.

Our first Thanksgiving in Slovakia

I thought back 25 years years to our first Thanksgiving in Slovakia, November 27, 1997. By that time we had been there for three months. A couple of weeks before our American holiday arrived, Joe Ann and I talked about how we might use that day as an introduction of ourselves to our neighbors. While we were able to interact with those at the church who spoke English and with others through interpreters, when we were on our own in the apartment building we had no way to communicate with our neighbors. We didn’t know what they knew, if anything, about our reason for being in Slovakia. We were simply two American women living on the 3rd floor.

Since we had not met the families in the other 15 flats, we decided to write them a letter. We found some printable Thanksgiving stationery on the internet. Wrote our letter and had Daniela translate it for us. In the letter, we introduced ourselves and told them about Thanksgiving Day in America. We said we were thankful to be in their country and appreciated living in the same building with them. We told them we were grateful for their kindness and patience with us and our limited ability to interact with them. We also said that to show our gratitude we wanted to give them a gift.

Among the things we brought with us from the States was a box of Joe Ann’s cassette tapes. When the letters were ready and signed, we put them in an envelope along with a cassette. On Thanksgiving Day evening we knocked on the door of each of the other 15 apartments at 25 Bernolakova Street and gave them our Thanksgiving letter and tape.

Meeting a Slovak neighbor

Although we lived in our flat for over eight years, we didn’t get to know many of our neighbors. However, one afternoon we were surprised in the elevator by a woman who inititated a conversation.

“Hello. How are you?” the woman said in English.

Taking the question literally, Joe Ann replied, “I haven’t been feeling well.”

“Then, you must come see me,” said the woman.

“Are you a doctor?”

“Yes, I am Iveta Nedelova. I live on the eighth floor. My office is at end of this street.”

“Your English is good,” Joe Ann commented.

“Thank you. It is not as good as I want it to be,” Dr. Nedelova responded.

“Then, you must come to see us. We will talk together and you can improve your English.”

The beginning of a relationship

Besides spending time in conversational English together, Iveta became our doctor, gave us our flu shots each year, and helped me when I had knee surgery in Slovakia. Her son, when he was in high school, helped us with a camp for children from addicted families. She has been with us twice in Michigan, once alone and again before the pandenic with her husband and son. She serves on the board of the Slovak nonprofit we were part of forming in 2006.

But that is only a part of Iveta Nedelova’s place in our lives. It began in 1997 and continues to this day. We meet weekly on Skype. When my memoir is complete and our story is told, you will find her in several places. She is one of the cherished Slovak friends I am thankful for today.


Why Do I Love You?

The poem below I wrote in 1974. It was not written with anyone specific in mind but was written in response to a sentence from a deep, insightful paper entitled If I Were Your Counselee; it was written by Milton Cudney, a professor of counseling at Western Michigan University.

“Think what we would have going for us, though, if you and I and others contributed only a little to each other, but that this little was multiplied by each succeeding experience we had with each other.”

Milton Cudney


Why do I love you?
Because you love me.
And when you love me,
You become a part of me.
And I love you
Because I love myself.

Why do I love you?
Because you love me.
And when you love me, 
I become a part of you.
And when I become a part of you,
I am bigger than myself.

Why do I love you?
Because you love me.
And your love for me
And my love for you
Makes us both
Bigger than we are.

What happens whe we
Are both bigger than we are?
We have love to give
To someone else -
Even to someone who
Does not love us back.

Breaking Unwritten Rules

Thanksgiving Day and Christmas are just ahead of us. The kind of image we see here is not what we want but it is what it is. Dysfunction within our relationships is often experienced at this time of the year when families gather for holiday celebrations. From generation to generation we can become carriers of dysfunction actively repeating behavior we once experienced passively as children and passing on dysfunction to those with whom we should have the healthiest relationships.

What we live with we learn. What we learn we practice. What we practice we become.

No one is 100 percent dysfunctional nor is anyone perfectly healthy. If we look at ourselves and our families honestly we will see that we are somewhere on a contiuum with the possibility of moving more towards healthy, maturing relationships.

In this post I want to talk about three unwritten rules that are part of unhealthy scripts learned in the roles we play opposite each other and how we can begin to break them. It takes time and work but is worth the effort. I know that from personal experience and from years of working with addicts and their families.

Don’t Talk

This is the first unwritten rule. Don’t talk about the painful things that go on in the family. Don’t talk to those in the family about anything really important and certainly don’t talk outside the family. Most children growing up in dysfunctional environments learn this well by the time they are eight years old or earlier. It is a pattern carried with them the rest of their lives and leaves them guessing at what healthy is and struggling with a certain level of loneliness.

Even when we don’t have secrets in our families, if we are unable to talk to one another we are susceptible to moving further apart rather than closer to one another when faced with a crisis.

Don’t Trust

The second unwritten rule is don’t trust. Experience teaches those in dysfunctional relationships that promises are made and promises are broken. They cannot count on what others say. People they thought were trustworthy are not. The only thing that is consistent is inconsistency. Among other things this leads them to grab what they can at the moment because it may not be there later.

Don’t Feel

In these settings where needs are not met family members also learn a third rule: don’t feel. No one will validate their feelings. People tell them how they should and should not feel about people and experiences. They also have others tell them how they are feeling or not feeling and how intensely. They come to doubt and question their own feelings.

These unwritten rules isolate family members from others and isolation keeps them from realizing how common their problems are. The only way to begin to get help is to break the unwritten rules.

For any of us, whether we have a mildly unhealthy relationship or a seriously dysfunctional one, we can do something that will make a difference.

Breaking the rules

When I was growing up my relationship with my father was not what I wanted it to be. There was no abuse or problems to hide in the family. There was simply silence; we didn’t talk about anything significant or important to us and therefore we didn’t know each other. As an adult, I didn’t know how to change the relationship until an activity I did with a university class I taught gave me an idea. On the first day of class I asked the students to introduce themselves and tell the class something they liked about themselves that they got from either of their parents. I told them I would start so they would have a moment to think.

I told the students I liked my love for learning, my creativity, and my curiosity and those were characteristic of my dad. When I got home that day I wrote a letter to my dad and told him about the class and what I had said and thanked him for modeling those things for me. We never talked about that letter but I know he kept it. However, that was the beginning of a 12-year journey to disclose more to one another and appreciate each other more. When he died, I still did not have the full relationship I wanted but it was so much better and I had no regrets.

Another activity that I have done with those I want to know better is to share with each other what we consider the most memorable event of the first 15 years of our lives. I like this kind of activity because it allows each person to choose what they feel safe in sharing. Telling my grandmother and my dad about an experience I had with this activity led them to spontaneously share their memories. My grandmother told us of her brother coming home from the Spanish-American war. Dad said he remembered the end of World War I and the German kaiser being burned in effigy at the end of a streetcar in downtown Holland.

These are tiny things that are like baby steps in getting to know and understand each other better and they can add joy to a family gathering. What was dysfunctional in my relationship with my dad was not huge but it was there and I’m glad I didn’t ignore it.

Breaking the rules in major dysfunctional relationships takes more, of course, but it is worth every bit of the time and work it takes. Support groups made up of people with a common problem are often a good place to start. For years Joe Ann and I participated in Alcoholics Anonymous and Al-anon groups respectively. They were safe places for people to break the unwritten rules. They provided a place to learn to talk, trust, and feel. We saw miracles happen in the lives of those who kept at it.

Knowing and understanding others and being known and understood by them is what we all want, isn’t it?

Slovakia Memoir

Making Our Flat Home

Dali showed us through the empty flat that was to be our new home. For sure it didn’t look like home but it had a lot going for it. There was a good-sized living room with windows that overlooked the street, a bedroom with a balcony on the backside of the flat, a guest room, and another room right inside the door to the right that would become our office; it was the only room that was carpeted. The kitchen was small but adequate. The toilet was in a tiny space like a small closet separated from the bathroom. In the bathroom was a deep tub, a sink that overlapped the tub with enough space next to it to put a washing machine.

The church placed a small refrigerator and table and chairs in the kitchen for our use until we purchased our own. The kitchen was a narrow L-shaped room. You could enter the top of the L from the entry room. It contained a small gas stove and oven, a sink, and a short counter top with cabinets above and below. You could enter the bottom side of the L from the living room. Right inside was the refrigerator and then an old-fashioned standing radiator beneath three side-by-side windows like those in the living room. The small table was pushed up against the radiator leaving room for three chairs on the open sides of the table.

The most unsual feature of the flat was that there was bright red linoleum with flecks of pink on the floors in the living room and bedrooms. It seems that when the building was erected, red linoleum was put on the odd-numbered floors and gray linoleum of the even-numbered floors.

As there were no closets in the flat, we would need to purchase wardrobes for the bedroom to hang our clothes and some kinds of shelves for storing various items. I was beginning to make a list in my head as we moved through the flat. I love to decorate and since we had to start from scratch to furnish the place, I was excited to think about what we could do with it.

When Joe Ann and I merged our belongings in our first house in Grand Rapids, we saw that we both had a lot of decorative items that were oriental – a Japanese silk screen, paintings of Chinese landscapes, celadon vases from Korea, ink sketches with black bamboo frames from Bangladesh, decorative boxes and one or two oriental figurines. This turned out to be ideal for our flat in Banska Bystrica. The red linoleum made us think Chinese!

Part of our living room with the green leather sofa and the Japanese silk screen attached to the wall by Velcro. The other half of the room is in the picture under the title of this blog post.

To go with our red living room floor we bought a black dining table that could seat six, a black etagere on which to display some of our oriental items, a dark green leather sofa and matching chair, and two other chairs with a black base and arms and an oatmeal color fabric. Since the walls were concrete, we hung our Japanese silk screen, our pictures of Chinese landscapes, and the bamboo framed ink sketches with Velcro. We added a couple of silk plants, a table lamp or two and a floor lamp we brought with us from Michigan.

The office was furnished with six tall brown bookcases set side by side covering the space of two walls. They were filled with the 2500 books we brought with us. The majority were music, theology, and addiction and recovery books. To finish the room, we added a desk and another workspace, plus a filing cabinet and a piece of furniture on which we could put a printer and store supplies in the cabinet space below.

For our bedroom we chose a white chest of drawers and white wardrobes. Our floral bedspreads were forest green. In the guest bedroom we placed two Slovak beds, a blond wardrobe and chest of drawers.

The small three-drawer chest we brought with us was in the entry room along with a small white stand and chair for our telephone. On the floor was an octagonal area rug with an oriental design.

Entry to our flat

Almost all our furniture was purchased at a nabytok (furniture store) one block from our flat. I’m sure they were happy to see us coming time and time again, although they found some of our purchases strange.

The two items not bought there were our appliances. We bought a refrigerator with a freezer section below that was a product of Sweden and a washing machine that was German made. The refrigerator was different enough that everyone who came to our flat took a look inside.

More than thirty American visitors spent time in that flat over the eight plus years we lived there; many stayed overnight. Slovaks in multiples of that number were in and out of our home over the years. We laughed, cried, had dinner parties, counseled individuals, read, prayed, played games, watched movies on the little television that played American VHS tapes, and worked in that space.

Before going to bed on air mattresses that first night, our container parked on the street waiting for another day to be unloaded after paperwork was done, we walked through the rooms again and prayed that God would be honored by the things that took place within those walls.

Writing this brings a flood of memories, a feeling of joy and gratitude, and a sense of peace that we made that flat into a haven for ourselves and others. I felt good about being home every time I walked in the door.


Middle Time

In 1976 I read a poem called Middle Time in a copy of His magazine, a publication of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship from 1941 to 1986, that became my all-time favorite because its message has always been real and relevant in every period of my life. I am always in the middle time of something. Beginnings and endings seem short compared to most middle times in my life.

I chose the name Associates in Accomplishment for our nonprofit organization from the last line of this poem and have quoted excerpts from it more times than I can remember.

It reminds me that while change is a constant in life I am never without the stabilizing, balancing truth found in the Bible in the book of Hebrews that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

It is a daily encouragement to me to realize that I am a work in progress and that Jesus is the completer of me and my unfinished work and times.

Middle Time

Between the exhilaration of Beginning
and the satisfaction of concluding
is the Middle Time
of enduring, changing, trying,
despairing , continuing, becoming.

Jesus Christ was the man of God's Middle Time
Between Creation and...Accomplisment.
Through Him God said of Creation,
"Without Mistake."
And of Accomplishment,
"Without doubt."

And we in our Middle Times
of wondering, waiting, hurrying,
hesitating, regretting, revising;
We who have begun many things -
And seen but few completed;
We who are becoming more - and less
through the evidence of God's Middle Time
have a stabilizing hint
that we are not mistakes,
that we are irreplaceable,
that our Being is of interest,
and our Doing is of Purpose,
That our Being and our Doing
are surrounded by AMEN.

Jesus Christ is the Completer
of unfinished people
with unfinished work
in unflinished times.

May He Keep us from sinking, ceasing,
wasting, solidifying - 
that we may be for Him
experimenters, enablers, encouragers,
and associates in Accomplishment.

Lona Fowler

Transitions and Support

Transitions are hard. I’m feeling it because I’m in one now.

I recently lost someone I loved with whom I had shared 34 years of life and ministry. Joe Ann was nine days shy of 90 and her health was such that I would not have wished for her to stay. Although she is gone, I am still here and must go on living. It has been four months now and taking time to get out my fall and winter clothing and put away summer things pushed me to go through her belongings and do something with them.

To keep myself focused on the task, I asked a young friend to come and help me. We took care of most of her clothes in four hours. I decided what I would keep and she carted off sacks of things to donate. Then I sorted through her family pictures which are to be sent to her niece and found some items to pass along to others. It’s a beginning.

I lived alone for many years and I know I can do it again. But after 34 years of companionship and conversation and shared commitments, being alone doesn’t come without work. I am aware of my needs for some changing relationships in my life.

But awareness is not enough; it is the starting point. As Joe Ann used to say, “It’s the ticket for the movie but it’s not the movie.

Sometimes transitions are less difficult, especially when we initiate them and they are positive moves. But they are harder when they are unwanted and out of our control. The thing about transition is that it is about change – moving, adding, subtracting, modifying, adapting. Getting married, having a child, changing jobs, going away to school, moving to a new residence, retiring, getting divorced, dealing with illness, and losing someone we love are just some examples of transitions. Often they come in multiples.

Some of us deal with change better than others. But all of life is about change so it is wonderful when we have some kinds of support that make a difference for us as we move through the process.

Years ago, I read about three kinds of support important to help us make transitions in the healthiest way possible. They were described as a need for affection or to be loved, a need for affirmation or to be believed in, and a need for assistance or to be helped.

One fall when I was the principal of a K-12 Christian school, I thought it might be useful for all of us on the staff to be reminded that every child coming to school was transitioning to a new teacher, a new classroom, and new learning experiences, and some new relationships. Both to remind ourselves and to let the children know we were there to support them, I had heart-shaped campaign-style buttons made for all of us on the staff to wear as school began. They read: I love you. I believe in you. I will help you. I don’t know how much they meant to the students, but I know when I put mine on, I became more conscious of what my attitude, words, and behavior were to portray.

For a good part of my life, I went through various transitions without being able to articulate what it was I needed when I was feeling alone, inadequate, or anxious. Even if we can name what we are feeling, we may not know how to ask for help or where to find it. It is my tendency to protect myself by withdrawing rather than reaching out.

In my most painful transition, I also found that some of those close to me backed away out of fear of not knowing what to say or do. I felt it acutely in 1982 when my youngest sister committed suicide and left behind a husband and two children. Friends who were my greatest help were those who had learned their presence with me was more important that anything they could say.

The truth is that our needs are met in relationships, not a single relationship but multiple ones. None of us can meet all the relational needs of others when they are going through difficulties. And we cannot expect one person to meet all our needs when going through difficulties ourselves. And meeting needs or getting our needs met is not a one-and-done event. Change is a process that takes time.

At my age, I don’t have the daily contact with others I once had. I know that if I don’t take the initiative to build new or use current relationships to meet needs my life will become constricted and my world will grow smaller. I can’t let that happen.

Slovakia Memoir

Slovakia, Our Home for 12 Years

Currently I am writing a memoir of Joe Ann’s and my twelve years in Slovakia. Each month I will be adapting an excerpt from the book to post on this blog. This first entry gives you an idea of where we lived for the first eight years.

On August 12, 1997, Joe Ann Shelton and I left the U.S. to make our home in Slovakia. Woefully ignorant of world geography, most Americans ask us where Slovakia is. When explaining to Michiganders, I hold up my hand to show them the mitten shape of the lower peninsula and then draw a line through the center of my hand while explaining that if you split the lower peninsula from top to bottom and take the Western side of the state you will have an idea of the size of Slovakia with approximately the same population.

When in Texas, I was able to picture for people the country of Slovakia fitting into the panhandle of Texas with room to spare. With both pictures, I suggest they think of each state that touches these areas as other countries each with a different language, as Slovakia has Poland to the north, Ukraine to the east, Hungary to the south, Austria to the southwest, and the Czech Republic to the northwest.

I had been to Slovakia on a mission trip for the first time in 1993. The young man who interpreted for me was Dalibor Smolnik who was a seminary student at that time. Dalibor came to visit Joe Ann and me in the spring of 1994 to help prepare our high school choir from Calvary Schools to travel to Slovakia in the summer.

In 1995 Joe Ann and I went to England to attend Dali’s wedding to Laura Williams. He then took his bride to Banska Bystrica where he was the pastor of the Baptist church. It was a city in the middle of the country – on the map just above the word Slovakia – which we had not visited on either earlier mission trip. A couple of years later Joe Ann and I felt led to serve in Slovakia, it was Dali and the elders of the Baptist church in Banska Bystrica who extended the invitation for us to come.

Arriving in Vienna the morning of August 13, we loaded our things in a van belonging to Kelly, an American missionary Dali had recruited to pick us up. Soon we started the four-hour drive to our new home. After crossing the border from Austria into Slovakia, we traveled around the capital city of Bratislava, stopped for lunch, and then drove for a couple more hours.

Right after entering Banska Bystrica, Kelly turned onto a long street with eight-story maroon buildings stretching from one end of the block to the other. Each building was a single flat deep. Our address was 25 Bernolakova and our flat (apartment) was on the third floor.

Where we lived was important to us; we wanted to live among the Slovak people and these buildings, called panilaks because they were built out of concrete panels, put us in a densely populated area. From our two mission trips to Slovakia in 1993 and 1994, we had some idea of options. We were not interested in living in a single-family house. We were two older single women. When Dalibor told us he had been looking for a suitable place for us, we were glad that what he found turned out to be a flat in the block of flats on the street where he and Laura lived.

Dali had visited us in Holland, Michigan the year we traveled to Slovakia with the high school choir. He lived in our condominium for the time he was there and had his own imagination of what kind of place would be suitable for us. Consequently, the day he showed us through the 3rd floor flat in the panilak he apologized and suggested we could live there temporarily until we found something else.

Parked in front of the building, Dali said, “Leave the suitcases and trunks in the van. We can get them later. Let’s go up.”

We climbed the four or five open stairs made of cement onto a wide cement slab with a locked double door in front of us. Dali rang a bell that soon buzzed and unlocked the door so we could enter. From the entryway, we walked up one flight to a landing where there was a door to an open elevator shaft. On each side of the landing was a door to a single flat. Dali pushed the button next to the elevator door and we could hear the elevator descend. Once it stopped at the landing, the door could be opened and we stepped onto the elevator floor, a small space designed for about three people. When the door shut behind us, Dali pushed the button for the third floor. The flat on the left as we exited the elevator would be our home for nearly eight years.

Three members of the church, an older woman and two young people, were finishing up some cleaning when we arrived. They greeted us and Dali showed us through the flat. I will describe it in my next blog post.

Once the others had gone, we walked with Dali down the long block to 13 Bernolakova, in the middle of the first building, and rode the elevator to the top floor where he and Laura lived. Their flat was owned by the church and was provided to him as the pastor.

They lived in a block of flats with eight outside entry doors like ours that had flights of stairs and an elevator. On each floor there were two flats, one to the left of the elevator and one to the right, a total of 16 flats times eight entries for a total of 128 flats in the single long building made of concrete panels.

Their building ended at 19 Bernolakova and ours began at 21 Bernolakova with a small walkway between buildings covered with graffiti. Ours was a longer building with 12 entry doors and a total of 192 flats. The last entry door was at 43 Bernolakova. Altogether there was one long block with 320 flats on one side of the street.

Although the four buildings on the other side of the street were shorter and at right angles to ours, together they contained another 256 flats.

Much larger densely populated areas like this could be found in most Slovak cities. They were built under the communist regime as the government took the land from rural families to create large state-owned farms and in exchange moved the families into small flats in cities.

By having just two facing flats on each floor, it was always possible to see the comings and goings of your neighbors. This made it easier for authorities to keep track of people and contributed to creating a deeply fearful, suspicious population.

Communism was overthrown in 1989 in Czechoslovakia in what was called the Velvet Revolution. In 1993 the country was divided into the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic. When we arrived in 1997, the country was newly independent but the effects of communism on the thinking of the people remained.


Autumn and Feelings

Autumn of sadness –
Missing those who are gone,
Remembering times forever past,
Wondering why I am still here.

Autumn of brownness and barrenness –
Falling leaves and hard soil
Chill winds and shortened days,
Rains that fall like bitter teams,
Moving to a darker season.

Autumn of joy –
Welcoming change and growth,
Challenging the old and risking the new,
Cherishing glimpses of hope.

Autumn of contrast and celebration –
September of new beginning,
October of glorious change,
November of warm thanksgiving,
Preparation for a new season.

Autumn of new time and place –
Magic of radiant contrast,
Appreciating all by knowing each,
Embracing moments of beauty,
Sensing serenity in change.

— JDR 10/20/88