
A Stomach Filled with Hunger

Here I am on another Wednesday. Our most recent prompt was rather strange, but I made two attempts to address it. Lately, I have been writing much more verse than in the past. I’m not sure why. It is what seems to emerge.

Now, for the second.


Prompt: A Warm Blanket on the Bird

 Thoughts Provoked by a Prompt

What thoughts does this prompt provoke?
Thoughts of the Creator who made the birds of the air
And deemed them worthy of His care,
Who gives the sparrow food,
Who warms it with a blanket of sunshine.

What thoughts does this prompt provoke?
Thoughts of the Creator who made us in His image
And counted us more valuable than the birds,
Who meets our needs
And shelters us in His blanket of love.

What thoughts does this prompt provoke?
Thoughts of the Son of God lamenting over Jerusalem
Who would have gathered her children together
"as a hen gathers her brood under her wings"
but in rebellion they reject the blanket of His body.

What thoughts does this prompt provoke?
Thoughts of the Psalmist who speaks
Of the shelter of the Most High
Who "will cover you with his pinions,
and under his wings you will find refuge."

What thoughts does this prompt provoke?
Thoughts of a steward of creation
Who accepts the assignment of the Creator,
Who picks up an oiled-soaked bird
and blankets it in warm, cleansing suds.

This was written for our creative writing group meeting on October 16, 2024. The Bible quotations are from Matthew 6: 26-27 and Psalm 91:4.


Creative Writing Prompts

It has been over a year since I posted anything on my blog. I imagined I needed to produce something different and fresh for my blog whenever I wrote. Since I had so many writing obligations, adding one more was too much. This week, I decided that if I were to keep this blog, I would post writing I had done for other purposes. The most regular brief pieces I have done were for the creative writing group I attend. Each week, we are given a prompt as the focus of our writing. These vary, sometimes wildly. By posting the new and the old, there will be quite a variety. Below is the one written for this week’s meeting. The prompt was “entangled gift”.

                TWO IN THE SAME PEW

On Sundays

They walked through the same door
They sat in the same pew
They read from the same book
"the gift of of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ
our Lord"

One wanted to earn and payback
The other received

One was there out of duty
The other out of love

One worked to be accepted
The other knew acceptance

One toiled for affirmation
The other rested in it

One served out of duty
The other out of love

One found it easy to judge
The other found no need

One gave begrudingly
The other cheerfully

Each week they went to work

One promoted self
The other promoted others

One sought leadership
The other led by serving

Their neighbors watched them

One repelled them
The other drew them

Their children lived with them and grew up

One's children ran to escape
The other's ran to embrace

They grew old

One feared death
The other welcomed it

For one God's gift was entanged with works
The other received it by grace

"For by grace you have been saved through faith.
And this is not your own doing;
it is the gift of God, not a result of works,
so that no one may boast."

One had religion
The other a relationship

The Bible quotations are found in Romans 6:23 and Ephesians 2:8-9.